Distribute the good in every probable way. The tortoises arrange a line for a scrub when they notice the lady with a brush

The tortoises happily came to her to wash their backs, and when that was over, they left freshly.

A kind-hearted guest to the Singapore Botanic Gardens has seemingly found the key to the hearts of a group of tortoises living there.

This key? Well, it’s a brush.

During a recent visit to Nur Hafiz Gardens, Arifin stumbled upon an interesting sight. There, on the bank of a garden pond, a woman sat down, holding a brush in her hands.

Arifin was apparently not the only one to spot this.

In front of the woman, dozens of tortoises greedily emerged from the water, lining up for her to wash.

Arifin believes that the woman’s intention was to rid the tortoises of the seaweed from their shells, and they seemed to happily accept this wistful suggestion.

“Spread the good in every possible way,” wrote Arifin. ” The tortoises happily came to her to wash their backs, and when that was over, they left freshly.”

“It’s such a thrilling scene,” she added.

Not necessary to mention that everyone had a good time.

It turns out that even though the tortoise doesn’t need brushing, it seems to like the feel of the brushes on the shell. As a matter of fact, this is one of the recommended methods to pet them.

No wonder Ms. Arifin witnessed such a popular day among the locals.

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