The hurt cat was thrown out in a bag like a trash

An awful case: A poor cat was simply thrown in a trash

A woman from Canada was throwing her trash, when she found a backpack in the bin. She opened the backpack and saw there another bag. Her boyfriend came to assist her.

They found a cat there.

The woman immediately called the animal rescue, that took her to the care facility. The poor cat had a serious head damage and no one knew if he would survive.

After an examination it turned out the cat had many problems and also blindness, that may never perish.

“What the cat had gone through is awful and we want to help him recover and get through everything.”

The cat didn’t have a name yet, but the staff considered Hiro from the program “Heroes”.

Although the cat isn’t completely recovered he has shown, that he is a real hero, as he would be able to recover completely with the right care.”

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