Veterinarians advised the owner of a crippled rabbit to give her up, but the woman refused to do it  

The caring woman refused to leave her paralyzed rabbit and it was the best decision.

Meet Bertha, a poor rabbit, who became disabled in May, and since then she couldn’t walk. The cutie was under the strong care of her kind owner named Melanie James, who did her best to provide Bertha with everything. For several times the vets advised the woman to abandon the rabbit, but she didn’t do it and stayed by her side still now.

She had a great idea: to make a wheelchair that mostly used for dogs, and why not for rabbits? James was sure if it worked for dogs, could be used for her rabbit, too.

So, after a short time, the wheelchair, made just for the rabbit, was completely ready. The smart animal used it perfectly. Her health condition will be improved due to it and after some time she will be as healthy as others. Now with the help of the wheelchair Bertha can walk wherever she wants. That’s wonderful!

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