The Wonderful Doggy Who Withstood Being Cruelly Beaten and Shot in the Face Won the Hearts of Thousands of People

That’s unbelievable! – The poor doggy was humiliated by the cruel people

It’s almost obscure to think of even some of the things that dogs may go through and overcome, because if there are people who are very cruel for some reasons, dogs are a direct target for those people.

This touching story is about Millie the doggy, who was attacked by a group of children when she was still a few-months- old puppy. Her cute face was completely whacked before the little children decided to shoot her in the face lots of times, trying to kill her.

It’s even impossible to imagine to what extend can humans be cruel and what’s more is that in this story those cruel humans were the little children who even thought of hurting an  innocent puppy for that matter?

Fortunately, the incredible creature didn’t die, but as a result of the horrific attack the poor doggy was left severely deformed.

She suffered blunt force trauma to her nose, which means that she no longer has a snout, and unfortunately the doggy currently has two bullets still remaining in her head. After learning about all the hardships of Millie the cutie it’s impossible not to be touched and not to worry about her.

Here are some photos of Millie the doggy presented below and you can clearly understand why she won the hearts of thousands of social network users and TV viewers.

Well done, Millie! May you be the happiest creature in the world during the future years!

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