The kitty helped his owner during his broke up with his girlfriend

The adorable relationship between an owner and his adopted kitty

A man named Dorian East considered to quit his job and travel with his beloved cat. The kitty is named Lolly and she means everything for the man. She helped him during the hard times in his life. Now they are perfect best friends.

The man’s ex girlfriend adopted the kitty from the shelter and the man immediately adored the kitty, although it wasn’t belonging to him. When the couple broke up the girl refused to take care of the kitty and Dorian was very happy for it. Lolly helped the man a lot during his break up.

The man felt responsible for the kitty and he considered to do everything for her.

Dorian had always desired to visit many places with his cat, so he quit his job, sold everything he owned to travel with his beloved kitty.

He also met many other travellers and their pets and their group went to many interesting places. Lolly is very active and adventurous kitty, who has changed Dorian’s car into a cozy home for her.

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