A sweet dog, who adores flying and became a professional after a lot of training 

The sweet white dog finally was relaxed after meeting his owner

The dog named Ovka adores traveling with his owner Shans, with whom he lives in France. The dog walks a lot and also enjoys flying. The owner didn’t immediately decide to paraglide with a dog.

The owner began to train his pet for flying. And after being accustomed to the unusual design, he created a special device, that helps him to take the dog to fly securely.

And they started training and after a month and a half the dog was ready for flying. The puppy is already flying freely with his owner. Ovka and Shans needed love and support at their first meeting.

The little puppy had a hard life, as he lived in a shelter for a long time and then was transported to many owners. But after he met Shans everything went for the better.

Finally the puppy was relaxed. Shans has an Instagram account with almost 70000 followers and shares many videos and photos of his adventures with his pet. Have you ever seen their videos?

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