Absolutely different species of animals, that got on really well
What will occur if a wild animal is introduced as a pet? He shows the same love and activity as a cat. And after growing a lot the gorgeous cat turns into a huge ball of hair. The owner named Tanja has two pets, which she named Mulan and Bolk.
She adores both her dog and her cat and desires to have at least one more. You might think why the woman doesn’t adopt cute kittens. Her adorable dog family consists of a lynx, a northern dog and five huskies.
It’s obvious, that a cat finds getting used to his new home difficult. She is sure, that she can easily rear the big cat. Tanja named the first lynx she brought home Mulan like a popular cartoon heroine.
When she first took the juvenile lynx to her pack of dogs she hadn’t expected how nicely he would fit in. But the child quickly got used to the crowd. An absolutely different species has been welcomed into the canine family.
Mulan’s canine siblings took a good care of him. These dogs were friendly and tolerant with their younger sibling. They fed the lynx as a pair.