Sweet celebration, which made the dog absolutely happy
This dog lived with his family for the past 15 years. And in order to make the puppy happy the family considered to organise a sweet birthday party.
The owner told, that they considered to organise an adorable party to celebrate her great life and attract attention to her lineage. The puppy’s family planned the celebration and it was very adorable.
There were the best decorations, food and of course a cake for the puppy. According to her owner the dog became absolutely happy after seeing the cake. The puppy isn’t as energetic as she once was, but she was happy with everyone and liked her party.
The dog was happy to be circled with so many good people. The family members told, that they are absolutely overjoyed to have such a generous, adorable and sweet family member. Our family puppy is the family’s core.
And also the owners told, that they adore their beloved dog.