A very grateful crow, who returned to thank his saviours
One day Diane and his fiancée were cleaning up outside on their patio when they saw some crows. They went to investigate and saw there a small baby crow lying on the ground.
After thinking for some time the couple considered it would be best to take him in, treat him and return to the wild. “We fed him every half an hour and kept him in a garbage can with newspaper, grass and water.”
They took care of him and named Yoyo. He was ready to went back to nature. Although they were sad for his departure, they were also happy that he was reunited with his family and they wished to see him once more.
And it just took a day and a half. The couple was outside on the balcony, when they noticed Yoyo dropped from the trees all of a sudden. He appeared to come back to thank them for rescuing his life and hoping and hugging them.
Now Yoyo visits his adoptive family almost every day. Although he lives in the wild, he considers them as his family.