Seeing the relationship between this amazing dog and her little human will melt your heart

A friend and guardian for life!

Alpine is a caring dog, who has a loving family and adores her humans, but her little brother is more than a friend for her. She is strongly connected with him since the first day of his birth and behaves him like a big sister.

When the baby sleeps, Alpine doesn’t leave his side and carefully follows each movement. When she saw the boy for the first time, she immediately fell in love with him and their beautiful love story began.

It’s the cutest thing ever! If you are upset, just watch these adorable photos and you’ll smile again.

Dogs are humans’ faithful friends, but they are more caring and attentive towards the little ones, and this story is a great proof of this.

The parents are happy to see that their son is safe and protected next to their beloved pet.

What a lovely couple!

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