A generous man saved a kitty and took it home
The future owner took the cat named Vook from the street. And also there were other kitties, he couldn’t leave alone and the mother cat was near and knew what to do.
And the mother cat couldn’t do anything besides leaving to protect the remaining puppies from many homeless puppies. And the cat, that was still there asked for help. And he was lucky, as the man couldn’t resist.
When he heard his voice he was unable to leave. And he considered to take the child with him. The animals wasn’t able to sleep for two days and he played for some time and quickly felt asleep.
He grew up in a loving and affectionate environment and adores his owner. They’re happy together as the man considered animals don’t have souls. Vook was able to overcome all his problems. He happily lives with his owner in a loving environment.
We hope this kind man’s deed will be a good example for our readers to to good things.