A beautiful smile, that attracts everyone
Are cats overjoyed when they have a warm place to live and caring owners? Looking at the kitten named Flower, it’s obvious she adores all of this. Flower recently became popular on the Internet with her adorable smile.
The owner of Flower Lauren Butz adopted three cats from the shelter.
A woman called them a fluffy trinity Super Cats after the characters in the Powerpuff Girls cartoon.
So she named them Flower, Bubble and Pestle after the cartoon characters.
But the most adorable of the three was Flower.
She made the whole Internet fell in love with her with her beautiful smile towards her owner Lauren.
She also has a really cute meow.
She smiles most of the time.
And then takes a break.
Her sister isn’t as beautiful as she is.
And they adore one another.
Very seldom Blossom divides from her beautiful smile.
But she’s still very charming.
Just look at her, she’s a little Internet star.