A stubborn kitten, who tries everything to walk on his own feet
The founder of an animal shelter named Jessica Roof has been informed about a paralysed kitten in need of help.
When the kitten arrived it was very weak, skinny and had many fleas. Jessica told: “It was obvious, that his body’s lower part didn’t feed anything, because he pulls his body and legs around the floor, slowly moving with his front paws.”
Although having suffered such a lot of things the kitten seemed to ask for food and meowed loudly from the beginning.
The kitten named Mohan was almost three weeks old. A volunteer named Courtney took him to her comfortable home.
“He hugged me all night and looked at me with his big, beautiful eyes. I knew he was overjoyed to be saved. He purred all night hugging my fingers and his teddy bear.”
The vet examined him and told, that the kitten didn’t feel anything from the waist to the end of the tail.
“The kitten had pressed first and second lumbar vertebrae. It seems to be the result of a major fall. One thing, that can help him was acupuncture.”
Mohan was also being treated for a possible infection, despite he continued physical therapy. “We hope the kitten will recover soon, as he was a big fighter and wants to move all the time.”
The beautiful cat wants to move and be active like other cats and enjoy life.
“He is very active. He’s a stubborn young man, who wants to use his legs all the time.”
“He will find the way every time he wants to do something. Thanks to home therapy he feels better every day. And it’s adorable how he can move his legs.”
Just a few weeks ago Mohan only pulled his hind limbs, while now he can balance on all fours. This is a very important moment. His will grew, mobility important and his personality developed.
He adores taking anything that moves and climbing on anything he can.
Courtney told: “Little Mohan wants to walk on his paws a lot.
I’ve found him try to move forward and balance on all four legs for a few seconds. And it seems, that every minute things are improving.”
And yesterday Mohan had his first acupuncture treatment at the vet clinic. He moved around the room and amazed the workers a lot.
“He was a really strong man. He fell asleep in the car as soon as I took him in the evening.”
The strong willed kitten never stop to amaze his people, because he goes on to live a full and haply life trying to walk steadily on his own feet.