Being close to the wild should be any wildlife lover’s dream, but perhaps not as close as this Irish holidaymaker.
During a safari in Kenya’s Masai Mara, a man experienced the shock of his life after an adult was close enough to comfort him. The moment was recorded on camera as if it were close to the soul.
Mickey McCuldin from Ireland was on safari when a group of truckers ran into the most popular members of the Masai Mara family. Everyone appreciated the wonderful cats, but some of them were closer than expected.
Not at all embarrassed by the presence of people, some of them got into the car, but he was much more interested in them, so he jumped right into the car seat.
Or they look so cool, they look so amiable, they are just brave killers, so they can be highly hazardous. So, you can guess what your response would be if you were faced with such a feral creature.
No wonder McCuldin, who was sitting there, couldn’t help but notice her reaction. The moment was recorded on camera by David Horse, a good fellow of McCuldin’s, who was in front of him.
“I have lived in Kenya my entire life and I have never witnessed anything like it,” said Horsey from Mombasa, Kenya. “He [Chetan] was just not scared to get up and stand alone.
Mickey was repulsive in the beginning but, in my opinion, he was very worried that she might make an attempt to sit on his lap. „Unlike a house cat, you don’t need it.“
It seemed like an eternity to McCuldin, but a few minutes later, he got out of the car. A group of feral cats then watched the visitors from a short distance before vanishing into the area.
“When Mickey set it on fire, he stopped behind the car for a few minutes,” Horsey, 62, said. „It just surfaced later.“
Check the striking scenes here.