Wendy has been a great support for George in dealing with his grief over the loss of a companion  

They should both live happily ever after.

After resting in a regional park, a woman heard a canine meowing faintly.

She looked around and spotted a precious canine walking alone and instantly began to act.

Neither the mother cat nor the master was around, so she made up her mind to bring the tiny canine home.

Currently, a soft white canine named Wendy was thrilled to investigate her new surroundings, including an unexpected companion.

George is a 135-pound mastiff and Wendy is no bigger than his paw. It didn’t take long for the tender giant to admit the precious kid as one of his kids.

Two companions eat with each other, sleep with each other as well as bring out the best in each other.

George’s master knew Wendy had found a caring home when the couple became companions.

He says that Wendy has been a great support for George in dealing with his grief over the loss of a companion he lost earlier in the year and that they should both live happily ever after.

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