Poppy amazed everyone with her strong will dragging her legs for miles to show people she was in need

This adorable dog lost her ability to walk but never her bravery to go forward

Poppy is a brave dog, who lost her ability to walk in her back legs, but she didn’t lose her hope of finding someone who would help her. It’s unknown why she appeared such an awful condition, but it’s a fact, that she dragged her legs for miles to show people that she was in need.

The beauty achieved her goal, and everyone was surprised to see the dog walking hard in the hope of capturing people’s attention.

It was Susanne Vogel, a worker of an elephant research camp in the northern Okavango region of Botswana, who was so touched by the scene and couldn’t stay indifferent.

She immediately took Poppy to a vet, and it turned out that the poor animal needed a quick operation, but at first she had to get some treatments and become a bit stronger.

Her story excited hundreds of people from all over the world, who are impatiently waiting for her recovery. They want to adopt her and give her much love and care.

Although the vets are not sure if the dog can walk on her own or with the help of wheels, they know she will find her caring and loving owners very fast.

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