An affectionate and cute kitten, that was saved from the streets
Homeless kittens are spread all over the world. Except for a few homeless kittens, who know how to find a forever home, their lives are very short.
The little kitten’s name in the photo is Pistachio. He was living on the streets of Los Angeles as a homeless one.
The poor kitten didn’t have anyone to care for him. Pistachio, being hungry and cold decided to attract the attention of any passer by.
He went meowing from one house to the next, but wasn’t successful. One of the workers of Alley Cat Rescue heard his meows and took him in. The unfortunate kitten was just 3 months old very hungry.
Pistachio’s voice was heard by the volunteer who rescued him. She found the kitten and brought him in, giving a big bowl of food. Than she cleaned him before taking Pistachio to the vet.
After some time Desiree found a perfect foster home for the kitten. And just after a week his character started to show. He’s an active kitten, who adores his foster family.
Pistachio is the most loving and cute kitten you will ever see, even after a hard two months on the street. We hope he had a happy end in his journey, as not many animals have such a fate.