That is why cats are kept in a Japanese company. Their role is indescribably important!

Cats are able to support those who need to get rid of stress.

We all know that employees in Japanese companies work so hard and need to rest from time to time, but for that they need to choose the right way to relax. Here our feline friends come to help. This sounds strange, but the Japanese IT business Ferray created a smart way to make its workers get rid of stress. They have brought 9 cats to the company, who live there and do whatever they want: sleep, eat, play or just have a rest.

This started in 2000, when one of the workers asked the director to bring her cat to her workplace with her, and this made him think about this option and since then they decided to work with cats.

The employees believe this version really works and they are sure cats have an important role in our society. They really help the tired staff to feel calmer and it is magical!

In this way they show other companies and organisations that cats can be really useful.

Despite these advantages, the cats’ presence in the company causes some difficulties. For example, sometimes they disturb the workers to do their job properly, or they stand on important papers or items which causes many problems.

But it is not a big problem and there is a solution for each problem. So keeping a cat in such a crowded place, is something pleasant and useful.

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