It is not the breed that is essential, but how to behave with these dogs

All dogs deserve a good home, and with it all the love in the world.      

In Sioux City, as well as in other cities in the United States, there was a severe prohibition on pit bulls. As soon as pits were detected in city havens, they were moved to a far corner, as they were not accessible for affiliation.

Angel was a pit bull with not a good fame who had a disgusting habit of showing her teeth. She also roars in case people get too close to her.

Then a free will came to the refuge to save the dog. His heart was broken as soon as he discovered that Angel would be euthanized after a few days. His girlfriend, a behavioral professional, came to meet Angel and carried her for a walk.

The free will had a desire to rescue the Angel. Nevertheless, the prohibition made this improbable in the city. He was not able to rescue the dog himself, and all the other rescuers were so engaged with pit bull.

The rescuer took her from the haven and said he would spend some time with her and after that carried her to the vet facility in order to put her to bed. In this period, he sent an ultimate message to Hug Hearts Fund located in Los Angeles.

He explained to the salvation group that he would sleep for a little more than an hour, and that’s when the man said on the phone: “We will take her.”

The dog was transported to Los Angeles by plane. They trained and interacted her over the following few weeks.

The pit pull prohibition in the city was suddenly removed. It seems that more and more cities realize that it is not the breed that is essential, but how to behave with these dogs.

The Angel’s story carries on to amaze us. We are delighted that he was rescued in time. All dogs deserve a good home, and with it all the love in the world. The Angel’s story can be viewed on the page down.

Our gratitude to the Dodo for drawing attention of such an incredible race.

Be sure to check out this heartening clip below! Be sure to share it with a friend or family member.

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