The two partners have created a permanent ceremony: a dog patiently waits for his companion every week

Jett was gifted with an unreal capacity to make fellows no matter where he goes.

A trash truck driver named Curt Stickley is one of the closest partners of the 4-year-old German Shepherd.

Seemingly, they make each other’s day greater.

Jett’s father named Derek Molter was working in the yard a year ago when a trash truck pulled up ahead of the house.

Molter said to The Dodo, „The driver left the car and walked over to the place where Jett was sleeping and asked if he could get him a present.“ „Surely, I answered yes and we became fellows.“

The two partners have made it a weekly ceremony when Stickley’s paths cross. “If I’m at home, I allow Jet out once a week, and he runs around and sits on the grass quietly waiting for his fellow Curt to pause and giving him a treat,” Molter said.

Not long ago, Molter missed trash day for two weeks consecutively, making it beyond the bounds of possibility for Jett to salute his fellow on the street.

Molter didn’t realize that the bear missed Stickley until he received a letter in his letter box, but the emotion was common.

He acted in accordance with the directions in the Look Inside the post, where she discovered four dog treats to make up for failed visitations. Molter was touched by the gesture so much that he shared his pictures on Facebook, where they rapidly became popular.

“I went so far as well, as to contact the Kamloops City Solid Waste Department and spoke to the driver’s head, expressing my gratitude to him for going the additional mile,” Molter added.

Now Molter makes it a point to be home on trash day in order for Jett to spend time with his fellow.

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