The doctors were amazed to hear the woman’s last wish and they fulfilled it without hesitation

The woman’s last desire made the doctors speechless.

Once, an exciting thing happened at GC Hospice in Kansas City, Missouri, when one of their patients informed the doctors about her last wish, which excited them a lot and they did their best to fulfil it.

When the staff was informed that the woman wanted to caress some kittens, they immediately began their actions to find them to fulfil the woman’s last desire. But instead of finding only one, they brought a basket of beautiful kittens.

The patient’s facial expression completely changed and she felt so happy. The little wonders found their comfort on the woman’s bed, even one of them thought that sitting on the human’s shoulder would be more convenient, and it immediately fell asleep there.

The scene how the woman was enjoying the visit of the adorable kittens was really heartbreaking.

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