Daddy Who Was Once Against Obtaining a Doggy Now Tucks Him in for Having a Good Sleep

The father first didn’t want a dog but now he adores the puppy

Seven years ago Rachael Rodrigues was extremely happy but also a bit startled when she received a doggy, whom she later named Oliver, as a graduation gift. The girl was a little panicked, because she knew her parents’ opinion  about dogs.

“Both my parents were against having dogs,  because we’ve always had cats and they thought that it was very uncomfortable to obtain a doggy as it required lots of training,grooming,walking, etc. unlike owning a doggy. “- told Rachael.

Her father started to like Oliver, because he probably felt the endless care and love the doggy had towards their daughter.

The girl also told that her daddy started to take special care of the doggy when he was small. He took him in his arms, stroked him and even slept on the floor next to the cutie. He even started treating Oliver as if he was another kid in the family and Oliver feels and enjoys every minute of this warm atmosphere.

Rachael’s father loves to tuck Oliver in and cover him with a soft blanket when gets ready for sleep and it’s probably one of the cutest things we’ll ever see.

It is so wonderful when we see how human take care of our fluffy companion, isn’t it?!

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