Maggie from «The Thorn Birds» is hard to recognize: This is how iconic actress Rachel Ward looks and lives at 65

Here is rare footage that shows how Maggie from «The Thorn Birds» has changed

Being born to a conservative, uncreative and aristocratic family, future film star Rachel Ward always dreamed of becoming an actress. Although her parents didn’t approve of her choice, she went to Hollywood to fulfill her cherished dream.

After some minor roles, people saw her more as a model and the modeling agencies couldn’t pass by her unearthly beauty and charm. She undeniably had all the parameters for a drizzling modeling career.

Later, Ward was offered a role in «The Thorn Birds» and just imagine how happy she was to learn that she would embody Maggie Cleary. Although she was confused and terribly afraid of hardship, she rushed to accept the challenge.

Not only big success and incredible career heights, but also her future love were impatiently waiting for her. She met Luke O’Neill on the set. They quickly fell in love and later married.

Even today, the spouses are absolutely inseparable and have two adorable children holding the title of one of the exemplary families in Hollywood.

The admirable couple has been together for already 35 years. The iconic actress has had a number of other roles in cinema besides «The Thorn Birds» which is surely the best-remembered one.


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