The old man made the little girl’s shopping magical: The meeting of Santa Claus and Sophie

No matter how old you are, always try to believe in magic

Every child in this world dreams of seeing Santa Claus just for a second. Little Sophie took her chance and went to talk to a man who was considered to be Santa.

While shopping she saw a man who was like Santa with a grey beard and red shirt. When family members noticed that she was admiring the man they encouraged her to go to Santa and talk to him.

The man appeared to be a kind person and didn’t collapse her dreams. He started to behave like Santa Claus. Sophie invited him to enjoy only a cupcake made special for him.

Sophie’s sister posted the whole conversation on Facebook and after some time it got more than 1 million views and countless impressed comments. Everyone was admired by that man who made the little girl’s magic come true.

In one of his interviews, he stated that it was a pleasure for him to become a part of her dream.

The video below worth watching.

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