What happened during Pique’s and his new girlfriend’s date will surprise you all
Recently, the ex-husband of charming, well-known and legendary singer and dancer Shakira decided to have dinner with his new chosen one in a Japanese restaurant in Barcelona. Whereas what happened during their date night will leave you speechless.
The owner of the restaurant asked the couple to leave immediately. The news soon went viral and in the paparazzi photos Pique looked rather upset and confused. The whole thing is that the sushi bar director was one of Shakira’s loyal fans.
This is how the network users reacted. «Stop criticizing them, please», «Everyone on Earth has equal rights», «The owner was being mean», «This is the attitude he actually deserves», «What about the girl next to him? Did you even think about her?».
Though Shakira was betrayed by Gerard, she continues to enjoy her life fully and has recently recorded a track which soon became a worldwide hit. There, the Columbian singer mentioned her mother-in-law as well who left her with debts.
The iconic singer’s act of installing a stuffed witch on the balcony of her mother-in-law and turning on her hit at full volume has lately become the subject of heated discussions.