“Happy 107th birthday, Grace LePayne!”: 107-year-old Grace LePayne shared all the secrets to her longevity

LePayne celebrates her 107th birthday: The secrets to the iconic woman’s longevity

It is worth mentioning that Grace LePayne has recently celebrated her 107th birthday, however surprising it may seem. The incredible elderly woman delighted the network with her fresh and energetic look, unrepeatable style as well as the elegant jewelry she was wearing.

It is relevant to mention that the iconic woman had survived the Great Depression and, what is more, the departure of her sever-year-old son. What concerns Grace’s husband, he, misfortunately, passed away shortly after that.

When the exemplary granny was asked what hobbies she has or what she likes to do most, she rushed to reply “What do I like to do? I don’t want to do anything right now”.

Whereas the elderly woman’s large family and relatives don’t really share the same opinion claiming that Grace often helps the young in cooking, periodically goes shopping and spends a great deal of time with her grandchildren as well as great-grandchildren.

LePayne has relatives from many parts of the world, including North Carolina, Missouri, Illinois and New York who rushed to come and sincerely congratulate their beloved granny on her birthday. Grace is still full of energy and completely enjoys her life “I’m happy to have all my family here”.

To the most frequently asked question that is how she managed to live such a long life, Grace’s answer is that the key to longevity is to be happy, joyful, grateful as well as to have a sound sense of humor.

Let’s sincerely congratulate the admirable granny on her 107th birthday!

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