The dog kindly shares his food and bed with fawns his owners rescued
This smart German Shepherd is always eager to share his own food and bed with these cute baby deer.
This breed of dogs is especially known for their high intelligence and understanding. They always make faithful and reliable companions for their beloved owners.
German Shepherds are very often trained as military service dogs so generally, they are responsible, hard-working and supportive.
Whereas, they can’t handle a boring and monotonous way of life. They have a strong sense of curiosity and will always go on adventures or discover something new and interesting.
Sarg’s dedicated family dwells not far from the wildlife and is always ready to offer its precious help to animals who find themselves in desperate need or trouble. And that’s why their gentle-hearted dog’s kind and amicable attitude towards deer made the whole world admire him.
The bighearted dog is even ready to share his own food with the defenseless poor deer. What is more, he allows them to sleep in his favorite sleeping places.
It goes without saying that the family is very grateful and proud of their four-legged gentle companion.