«What motherhood did to the icon!»: Paparazzi accidentally caught noticeably rounded Kirsten Dunst

This is what years and motherhood have done to beautiful Kirsten Dunst 😳🧐

Everyone has probably heard of this talented and successful actress is one of one of the most desirable and attractive stars in the film industry. The iconic woman, however, is not the same and looks completely different in the eyes of her fans.

Paparazzi have recently been lucky enough to catch the outstanding actress. She has noticeably gained weight and doesn’t look the same. The fans suppose it was motherhood that has changed her beyond recognition.

Her fans, anyway, show unwavering support to her for which she is truly grateful.

For those who don’t know, she has lately experienced the first delights of motherhood when her husband J. Plemons and her had their baby.

Not enough time has passed for Dunst to get back in shape. The fans, anyway, claim that she looks stunning even with some extra weight.

People are more than sure that she will undeniably return to the industry and will delight her fans again.

How did you like her new appearance?

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