Beloved Hollywood actor Hugh Jackman turned 54 this year. He is a very talented actor, who had created different but memorable heroes. Despite the fame he prefers a private and quiet life far away from noise and paparazzi.
Though during the last family vacation some stubborn paparazzi caught them anyway. And take some photos.
The movie star’s wife is older than him. This fact is always at the top of discussions. Many fans think that the actor deserves young and prettier girl, however, Hugh is very happy with his wife Debora for more than 25 years.
“I don’t understand what he found in her?”, “I respect people like Jackman. He is not chasing a pretty wrapper.”, “Debora is 67! Time flies so fast”
“Beauty is not the main thing in marriage. Believe me. I have been living with one man for more than 10 years and I know perfectly well how important simple human qualities are in a partner”, “Bravo, Hugh”, “A wonderful couple”, “How wonderful they are,” We read under the pictures of Jackman and his wife.