„Is that really the daughter?“ Jay Lo went for a walk with the whole family

There is so much information about this starring family, but it is always few for fans.

Last week beloved actress and singer Jay Lo decided to go for a walk with the whole family members.

Look at their look. They seemed peaceful and harmonious. Don’t they?

Many followers and fans got happy for Affleck’s son. It’s good to have him as a part of a new family. But wait…

It is bewildering for other fans the look of the small daughter of Jenifer.

„Is it a girl or boy finally?“ , „Let’s guess what costume she will choose for the next walk.“, „What a strange behavior !“, „She will be ok for the next two years, I hope „, and „It is ok to see how a teenager tries to get through „. Such comments are found below their posts. What do you think about this family?

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