„Depressed and sad“ Angelina Jolie’s fans wondering what is going on with her children

High five if you also miss too much Angelina Joly’s bright outfits. She stopped her glamorous routine and now appeares very rarely in public. Anyway, there is nothing impossible for true fans and followers, and of course paparazzi.

They caught brand new photos of the actress with her young children. They all changed a lot but seems kind of sad. Fans wondering what is going on with them? Maybe the reason is still their starring father? Maybe they all miss him? Who knows!

Most of the time Jolie’s children look depressed and sad and it seems that they all are very tired.

„What a pity to see them in such way“, „children can’t be happy in an unhappy family“, „oh, come on they all look like absolutely normal“, „nothing abnormal you know“, „children as children“.

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